Limited Edition Oreo Banana Split Creme

Looking for a review of the 2013 version? Click here.

The Limited Edition Oreo Banana Split Cream Creme is intriguing because bananas and chocolate have a good chemistry together like Kate and Allie, Cagney and Lacey, or any other 1980s television duo that 30 percent of you probably have never heard of. This is the second limited edition Oreo that Nabisco has introduced this year, following the addictive Oreo Strawberry Milkshake Cream Creme. Since it is a limited edition product, I only get to enjoy it for a time equivalent to a Britney Spears marriage.

When I opened the bag of the Oreo Banana Split Cream Creme, I instantly smelled the scent of artificial bananas in the air and the cream creme by itself had a very artificial taste that reminded me of banana Runts. Unless you love banana Runts, I would stay away from scraping the banana cream creme with your front teeth. To be honest, all the cream creme is good for is allowing monkeys to throw something made from bananas without having to eat, digest, and poop it.

Although the cream creme by itself isn’t that great, the combination of it and the chocolate cookies, surprisingly, go very well with each other. The cookies seemed to tone down the strong artificial banana flavor. When you put those two together, they are like Roland Orzabal and Curt Smith from Tears for Fears, Daryl Hall and John Oates from Hall & Oates, George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley from Wham!, or any other 1980s musical duo that 25 percent of you have never of.

Like pizza and sex, it’s hard to have a bad Oreo flavor. I’ve pretty much enjoyed every single version I’ve tried, although I will admit that the original Oreo is still probably the best. Some of you Oreo purists might be wondering whether or not these limited-edition Oreos are as dunkable as original.

Unfortunately, I hardly drink moo milk anymore, but I did dunk them into my soy milk. Now I know you Oreo purists might be spitting black Oreo crumbs at your monitor saying that it is blasphemy to use soy milk and you wish that I end up drunk on a Guys Gone Wild video and live a life full of regret and shame for exposing myself to the world, but it turned out that they’re very enjoyable with soy milk, so I’m sure they’ll be just as good with regular milk.

(Nutrition Facts – 2 cookies – 140 calories, 7 grams of fat, 2.5 grams of saturated fat, 1 gram of polyunsaturated fat, 3 grams of monounsaturated fat, 0 milligrams of cholesterol, 115 milligrams of sodium, 45 milligrams of potassium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, less than 1 gram of fiber, 13 grams of sugar, 1 grams of protein, 8% iron, and hours of bananas dancing in my dreams.)

Item: Oreo Banana Split Cream Creme
Price: $3.50
Size: 12 ounces (24 cookies)
Purchased at: Safeway
Rating: 7 out of 10
Pros: Banana cream creme and chocolate cookies make a surprisingly nice combination. Goes nicely with soy milk. Getting hit with the banana cream creme by a monkey. The 1980s. No trans fats. Hall & Oates.
Cons: Strong artificial smell. Cream Creme has a strong artificial taste that tastes like banana Runts. Eating more than two of them in one sitting. Getting hit with poop by a monkey. Ending up on a Guys Gone Wild video and exposing myself. Spelling the word “cream” like “creme.”


21 responses to “Limited Edition Oreo Banana Split Creme”

  1. Reprobate

    Runts, that takes me back…thank you, Marvo. I miss those chalky fruit shaped candies with their overly shiny candy coat. I miss going out for Halloween. But I digress.

    I haven’t had oreoes in a while, but they are the best of commercial crunchy cookies, I will admit that much. Unfortunately, I’m a bigger softie fan…I loves me the softies.

  2. armauld

    Maybe if you dipped these in shellac you could have a combined oreo/runts experience.

  3. Hmm…I haven’t had a runt in ages. Now I prefer more well-endowed sweets. 😉

  4. Heidi

    Man, I don’t know why I dislike it when they spell it as “Creme” in the states. Especially when it says “Cremey” — it’s like they cremated someone and used them as ingredients for this product.

  5. Cheri

    Ew Runts! I never did like them! Guess I’ll pass on these! By the way, I just want to say that your blog is the most informative and amusing blog I have read! lol Keep up the great reviews!

  6. luckinflux

    I totally read my rss feed for this review wrong.

    I though it said Limited Edition Obama Split Creme

  7. Maybe they could make a new limited edition strawberry-bannana split cream/creme.

  8. Alisha

    The banana runts were my least favorite. And they always seemed the most abundant. Have you ever noticed that? Whatever the crappiest of the flavors in a mix is, there is a plethora of it.

  9. Reprobate

    Really? I never liked the cherry ones that much. Limes were good, though. I think they were limes, at least. Banana’s middle of the road for me. But overall, I much prefer Now and Laters.

  10. Jesse

    The package art is nice. I always felt like I had to eat banana runts, but I didn’t enjoy them, guess I’ll be staying away from these.

  11. Brian

    Banana were the best, the pink ones sucked. Too many of those.

    Also the foray into Chewy runts sucked. We bought them one year to hand out on halloween, and ended up with a boatload left

  12. “Like pizza and sex, it’s hard to have a bad Oreo flavor.”

    Where are you going with this Marvo?

    Oreos with Sex Creme?

  13. Kate

    Oreos with Sex Creme sounds like a winner.

    Oreos with pizza creme sounds like the worst thing ever.

    Banana runts are delicious. I had some runts the other day, though, and the new (I think it’s supposed to be) mango flavored ones are nasty. Nasty. They might even surpass oreos with pizza creme on the worst thing ever list. Nasty.

  14. Reprobate

    I think oreos with pizza creme sounds delicious! Sweet and salty! Just like the English Trifle/Sheperd’s pie I saw on Friends. What’s not to like? Oreos? Good. Pizza creme? Good.

    I think sex creme sounds nasty. Sounds like a lube if you ask me. Or the ol’ standby, Vasaline.

  15. You know those soft Oreos and Nilla Wafers they have now? Those things are so good. Anyway, they just came out with the strawberry Nilla Wafer edition, but why didn’t they do a Banana Nilla Wafer one too? I mean, all Nilla Wafers are good for is to put in banana pudding.

  16. @Reprobate – You can always go out for Halloween. Just say you’re just tall for your age.

    @armauld – I would rather dunk them in melted chocolate followed by a dunk in chocolate chips, then with a scoop of ice cream on top. Because I want the diabetes experience.

    @Nevis – But I hear Michael Jackson loves Runts.

    @Heidi – When porn movies start spelling it as “creme” then we have to worry.

    @Cheri – Thanks! We will keep up the great reviews, but once in awhile we will probably do a crappy review.

    @luckinflux – If I want to be subliminal, I would make people read the review backwards and see what evil messages I’ll put into it.

    @Chuck – I think you’ve just predicted what the next limited-edition Oreo is going to be. Bravo, my good man!

  17. @Alisha – Actually, I find that to be opposite with gummy bears. I do love the clear ones, but they’re hardly ever any in a pack.

    @Jesse – The only thing I don’t like about the package art is that it’s portrait instead of landscape, but that’s just me being picky.

    @Brian – I bet you still have that boat load.

    @Brenda – Pffffff!!!! Been there, done that. Did you know that Oreo cream kind of feels good on the nipples. Seriously the best part is placing them on the nipple and then licking them away. You should totally try that, except don’t use a dog to lick away the cream, like I did.

    @Kate – But the Oreo Pizza from Domino’s sounds sugarrific.

    @Reprobate – Sex cream does not sound nasty, unless they use aspartame to sweeten it. The artificial sweetener taste totally kills the mood.

    @Sea Hag – I don’t really care for the Nilla Cakesters, but I will probably try the strawberry version soon.

  18. dramastically

    There are Guys Gone Wild videos? I’d like to review those.

  19. shNermal

    I love the banana/choco combo, even more so than Everybody Wants to Rule the World.

  20. I tried these and I was absolutely in love with them.

  21. @dramstically – Yeah, there are, but lemme tell you, all the sweaty guys in those videos are total douchebags, who think their sexy bodies makes them the perfect man.

    @shNermal – But no way it beats Shout.

    @Jazzy – Too bad they will disappear in a few months. Hoard them now!